

en rapport avec la lecture/transcription/traduction des hiéroglyphes assistées par ordinateur

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Tri par date de publication


1988 Buurman et al. Inventaire des signes hiéroglyphiques en vue de leur saisie informatique (MdC) 3e édition
1994 Rosmorduc Traitement automatique du langage naturel en moyen égyptien (paper)
1995 Bishop Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition (book)
1996 Rosmorduc Analyse morpho-syntaxique de textes non ponctués (thesis)
2000 Rosmorduc Automated Transliteration (slides)

2000 Grimal et al. Hieroglyphica (volume 1, 2nd édition)

2006 Bishop Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning (book)
2008 Rosmorduc Automated Transliteration of Egyptian Hieroglyphs (paper)
2008 Rosmorduc Translittération automatisée des hiéroglyphes égyptiens (paper)
2011 Rosmorduc Jsesh and the Manuel de codage (guide)
2012 Karaoglu Object Reading Text Recognition for Object Recognition (paper)
2013 Franken Automatic Egyptian Hieroglyph Recognition by retrieving images as texts (paper)
2013 Franken Automatic Egyptian Hieroglyph Recognition by retrieving images as texts (thesis)
2013 Rosmorduc Réviser le codage de l'égyptien ancien (paper)
2015 Bahdanau Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate (paper)
2015 Lake Human level concept learning through probabilistic program induction (article)
2015 Simonyan Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large Scale Image Recognition (paper)
2016 Luong Neural Machine Translation (thesis)
2016 Xu Show Attend and Tell - Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual Attention (paper)
2017 Lemberger IA où en sommes-nous (white book)
2017 Vaswani Attention Is All You Need (paper)
2018 Lemberger Le mécanisme d'attention (article)

2018 Elnabawy Image Based Hieroglyphic Character Recognition (paper)
2020 Rosmorduc Automated Transliteration of Late Egyptian Using Neural Networks (article)
2020 Rosmorduc Translittération automatisée du néo-égyptien à l'aide de réseaux de neurones (article)
2021 Barucci et al. A Deep Learning Approach to Ancient Egyptian (article)
2021 Rosmorduc Unicode Control Characters for Ancient Egyptian (article)

2023 Sobhy et al. An AI Based Automatic Translator for Ancient Hieroglyphic Language (paper En - Fr)

2025 Morandi Computer-Aided Hieroglyphs Translation: CNN deserve your Deep Attention (paper)


Tri par auteurs


2015 Bahdanau Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate
2021 Barucci et al. A Deep Learning Approach to Ancient Egyptian
1995 Bishop Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition

2006 Bishop Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning
1988 Buurman et al. Inventaire des signes hiéroglyphiques en vue de leur saisie informatique (MdC)

2018 Elnabawy Image Based Hieroglyphic Character Recognition 2018

2013 Franken Automatic Egyptian Hieroglyph Recognition by retrieving images as texts (paper)
2013 Franken Automatic Egyptian Hieroglyph Recognition by retrieving images as texts (thesis)
2000 Grimal et al. Hieroglyphica
2012 Karaoglu Object Reading Text Recognition for Object Recognition
2015 Lake Human level concept learning through probabilistic program induction
2017 Lemberger IA où en sommes-nous
2018 Lemberger Le mécanisme d'attention
2016 Luong Neural Machine Translation

2025 Morandi Computer-Aided Hieroglyphs Translation: CNN deserve your Deep Attention
2000 Rosmorduc Automated Transliteration
2008 Rosmorduc Automated Transliteration of Egyptian Hieroglyphs
2020 Rosmorduc Automated Transliteration of Late Egyptian Using Neural Networks
2011 Rosmorduc Jsesh and the Manuel de codage
2013 Rosmorduc Réviser le codage de l'égyptien ancien
1996 Rosmorduc Analyse morpho-syntaxique de textes non ponctués
1994 Rosmorduc Traitement automatique du langage naturel en moyen égyptien
2008 Rosmorduc Translittération automatisée des hiéroglyphes égyptiens
2020 Rosmorduc Translittération automatisée du néo-égyptien à l'aide de réseaux de neurones
2021 Rosmorduc Unicode Control Characters for Ancient Egyptian
2015 Simonyan Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large Scale Image Recognition

2023 Sobhy et al. An AI Based Automatic Translator for Ancient Hieroglyphic Language (En - Fr)
2017 Vaswani Attention Is All You Need
2016 Xu Show Attend and Tell - Neural Image Caption Generation with Visual Attention

page en cours de mise à jour (janvier 2025)


